Life is all about change. There's been so much incredible change in my life and the world since I last wrote here, in 2016.
Recently, quite out of the blue, I found myself wandering the internet and I ended up on my Dad's blog. Much to my surprise, I find he's been keeping it up and has been regularly posting there. I think the last time I looked there, his posts were far and in between. Anyway, while looking around his website, I found my old blog sitting amongst a list of links to familiar sites.
A few clicks later, I'm logged into this space. What a strange feeling to find an archive of my life sitting patiently, waiting for my uncertain return. There are over 300 post's on this site. The large majority of these are from my pre-teen years of life and are mostly an embarrassment, full of bad spelling mistakes. I've gone and unpublished most of these, mainly so future employers can't find the musings of my 10-year-old self, and use that as a reason to not hire me or something.

Since my last post 6 years ago, in 2016, I finished my schooling and graduated with a Bachelor's of Applied Christian Studies, Majoring in Worship and Youth Ministry. Around that same time, I met and married the most beautiful person, the love of my life; Sharayah. We just celebrated our 3rd wedding anniversary together. We bought our first house together. I changed careers and started working in the insurance industry, and I've been taking courses and getting my licenses in the field. We got a cat. A longhaired Siberian we named Charlotte, who's hypoallergenic so she doesn't trigger my allergies too badly. I got glasses. Despite my perfect vision, they help with staring at computer screens all day for work. Much to my chagrin, I've also discovered a few grey hairs starting to show up on the side of my head.
Then just this past spring, we sold our first house and uprooted our lives, as we moved across the country to southern Ontario. Over 3,000 km away, a 4-day drive, from the prairies that we've both called home our entire lives, in search of a better work environment for herself. The brokerage I had been working at didn't want me to quit when we moved. So they've kept me on, and I've been working remotely for them for the past four and a half months, but that has come to an end. I start a new job here in Windsor next week. Still in the insurance industry, but it is something different than what I'm used to. I'm quite anxious about it. It's yet more change, in this ever-changing world that I find myself in.
The unknown is such a scary thing.
My working remotely for my old brokerage in Saskatoon has kept me connected to that place. And so at times, I've found that I haven't fully embraced our new life here in Ontario. Keeping one foot stuck in the past in hopes that maybe we might move back to the life we left behind. It's inhibited me from giving this new place a fair chance. So even though I don't want to leave my comfort zone, I know that this new job will likely be good for me. It will be good for me to get out of the house and into this city we're still learning and exploring. It will be good for me to have coworkers I can interact with in person instead of just over the phone. Maybe if I'm lucky, these new coworkers may become friends. That's been the hardest part of the move so far, is not knowing anyone here. It's been hard to make friends or find community.
I'm not sure how reliable I'll be at posting here regularly again. Given my track record, I'm not holding my breath. I did have the thought that maybe writing here more regularly would help improve my overall writing skills. I still write music, and create songs, but the part I've always struggled with the most is lyrics. So maybe journaling here in this form may help that. So I'll try my best.
I was just reading over what I've written here. It's crazy to reflect and think about all that's happened in the past 6 years. I wonder where we'll be in 6 years from now.
Oh boy, how time flies.